City Safety

We are dedicated to investing in safer streets and supporting local businesses through our Worcester Welfare Team, which includes Safe Space and Safer Streets. We provide essential first aid response to ensure reassurance for everyone in the community.

Our two-pronged approach to creating a safer city has seen big changes over the past year.

The Safe Space has successfully delivered its objectives, demonstrating an impact on NHS and WMAS figures for call-outs, as well as being a vital source point of contact for the businesses during the early hours, providing reassurance and medical support, strengthening our city offering to the benefit of the whole community.

To provide additional support, the Safe Space Team has significantly expanded its hours to cover both day and night events. Starting in January, the teams will operate five days a week, consisting of members from Safe Space, a medical team member, and a safer streets officer. This partnership will patrol the streets, conduct business visits and respond to incidents on our CityNet radio system. This partnership is known as our Worcester Welfare Team.