MOSU | 10% Off



MOSU Hair Space, Arch 54, Worcester

Autumns Approaching: Staying safe as the nights get darker

As autumn approaches and we leave behind the sunny summer evenings, it's time to consider the darker evenings and make sure you feel safe getting and leaving work and using the city.

Safe Space Worcester is available to help every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night to help if you find you need it. No matter how small. No judgement.

There are also 'Safe Places' dotted all over the town centre ready to give you a safe space to wait, help to call someone or a quiet moment away from the crowds. If you need help, the map below shows you your local Safe Spaces. These are great places to go in the day time too.

Save this map to your phone for a helpful reminder of where is registered as a Safe Space, or look out for a window sticker.

They look like this!

We also have a super helpful directory of services on our website, where you can find the best contact from local providers for you or a loved one.

Press here to find out more:  Service Directory: Support for Recovery in Worcestershire - Worcester BID

Reindeer Court Dental | 10% Off



19 Reindeer Court, Worcester

What Worcester Could Lose Without the BID

In March this year, Worcester BID reached out to the community, keen to hear directly from its membership, the local business community. The feedback was clear: safer streets, a vibrant city centre, and support for business skills and staff retention are crucial. However, without Worcester BID, the essential services and initiatives that work towards a better livelier city could disappear, leaving a significant void that statutory services cannot fill.

Worcester BID plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and vibrancy of our city. Without it, the initiatives that contribute to safer streets would be at risk. This includes the Worcester Safe Space and team, Safer Streets Officers, and the CityNet Radio System that connects retailers to CCTV and Police. Regular Safer City meetings, youth support to reduce ASB in the city through The BASE Youth Hub and plans to reduce anti-social behaviour would all face termination.

The aesthetic appeal of Worcester would also suffer if these enhancements were not in place. The festive lighting adds a magical touch to the city during the Christmas holidays, and the creative aerial displays during summer, window art, planters, planting upkeep, and public art installations are all funded, organised, and supported by Worcester BID. These improvements make Worcester not just a place to shop, and do business, but a destination in itself. Many people share selfies and photographs of the installations on social media, creating a buzz and inspiring others to book long weekends in the city. Businesses have also reported that dwell time is up, as well as artwork providing a reduction in graffiti tagging.


Moreover, Worcester BID serves as a strong, business-focused voice, advocating for the city and its businesses. From securing external grants to leading on city accreditations, Worcester BID plays a crucial role in attracting foot traffic and investment. It is also a key stakeholder in shaping the future of the High Street, ensuring that the needs of local businesses are at the forefront of development plans.

Promotion is another area where Worcester BID excels. The city’s presence in national and local press, on television, and across social media platforms would diminish without their efforts. Business filming, professional photography, and city trails that draw visitors and locals alike would also be lost.

Finally, Worcester BID provides invaluable support to businesses in retaining employees. Through compliance training, management development skills, customer service training, social media skills workshops and more, Worcester BID helps local businesses gain invaluable skills. They also offer employee discounts, and local discounted parking schemes, and provide confidential welfare support via the Safe Space initiative.

In summary, Worcester BID is more than just a business improvement district; it works to connect the City’s services with its business community, working to provide safer streets, stronger communities, and a thriving Worcester. Without it, the city stands to lose far more than just a few services. For more information on Worcester BID, please explore

Côte | 10% Off



This offer is not available on Prix Fixe, Breakfast Complete or any other set menu.

Please note drinks are not included in the offer. The offer applies to the Main Menu.


100-101 High Street, Worcester

Axe Junkies | 10% Off




Unit 5, Netherton Court, Infirmary Walk, Worcester