“Worcester BID has been part of city leadership for nearly 15 years. In the past 5 years, significant changes have been made, resulting in real improvements in the City of Worcester for its residents, business owners, and workers. We hope to continue this great work for another 5 with a resounding YES”

~ Samantha McCarthy, Worcester BID CEO


As Worcester continues to grow and evolve, the role of the Worcester Business Improvement District (BID) has never been more critical. The potential loss of Worcester BID would have far-reaching consequences, not just for businesses but for the entire community. Through innovative projects such as Safe Space and Safer Streets Team and strategic partnerships, Worcester BID has significantly contributed to the vibrancy and safety of our city; a contribution totalling over 6 million pounds of investment directly back into the city. The absence of such initiatives would undoubtedly be felt across all sectors.


Indirect Benefits of Our Work

One of the key strengths of Worcester BID lies in the indirect benefits it provides to the city. Seasonal floral displays enhance our space whilst City aerial displays have become a hallmark of Worcester’s charm, shared widely on social media, drawing both locals and tourists alike. These visually stunning additions brighten the cityscape and attract media attention, putting Worcester on the map as a destination worth visiting.

Initiatives like Safe Space Worcester increase consumer confidence, ensuring that the city stays a safe and welcoming environment for all and providing parents with an extra level of security when sending children off to university, or choosing a place to live. Worcester BID’s new partnership with The University of Worcester has also added extra reason for future paramedics to choose Worcester with the provision of real-world placements in the City.



Benefits to Services and Clients

Worcester BID’s impact extends beyond the visible enhancements to the city. By providing extra investment, the BID has enabled local service upgrades, such as by adding a connective radio system between CCTV, West Merica Police, Safer Streets Officers and local businesses, resulting in a better experience for business owners and improved crime reduction strategies. Through effective lobbying, the BID has secured funding and resources that contribute to a stronger city infrastructure; in 2023, over £100,000 of added income from grants was injected into projects to benefit the City. This, in turn, makes Worcester an attractive location for new businesses, creates job opportunities, and develops a stronger City to attract new residents to choose Worcester to make home.

Moreover, the BID’s efforts in marketing the city and achieving national accolades have provided a compelling reason for entrepreneurs to start businesses here, whilst keeping partners accountable and moving forward by finding gaps in provisions

and developing solutions. Statistically, our current vacancy rate is below area averages, whilst our independent rate is significantly above, sitting at 67.5%, showing we have fostered and kept a unique city alive. By advancing partner collaborations, the BID has played a crucial role in shaping Worcester into a dynamic and appealing place to live, work, and visit.


What the BID Provides

At its core, Worcester BID is about creating a thriving community. It provides a platform for businesses to collaborate, share resources, and achieve common goals. The BID’s work encompasses a wide range of activities and will always aim to champion the interests of local businesses and residents.

As we look to the future, continued support for Worcester BID is essential. Without it, we risk losing the very initiatives that keep our City ticking. Worcester BID provides not just services, but a vision for a stronger, more connected community—a vision that we cannot afford to lose.

For more information, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn @worcesterbid.