Now We’re Talking with Art

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, in partnership with Worcester City Council, are creating an outdoor art trail in May featuring work from local artists narrating different mental health issues. The ‘Now We’re Talking with Art’  campaign will provide a walking, accessible trail for the community to enjoy free of charge.


Do you have a window space in Worcester City Centre?

The NHS Trust are asking local businesses to let the campaign use their window spaces to help fill the city with colour through installations, fine art, photography, craft, murals and more. Not only will this campaign increase awareness and improve mental wellbeing, but it will also increase footfall in Worcester City Centre along the trail and help the local economy. It won’t cost a penny, but the artwork in your window could help save someone’s life who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, or bring smiles to those who need to know they are not alone.


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